Brian and Jonas, courtesy of Andrew Harich
It's bad news. I'm sorry everyone. I've just gotten confirmation from Brian's brother that the body found by Elbow Falls was identified as Brian.
Date: Tue Nov 14 17:06:52 2006
The Calgary Police Service has identified the body found in
Kananaskis Country, Friday, November 10, 2006, as Brian Wayne
KULLMAN, 39, of Calgary.
Mr. KULLMAN went missing from his southeast Calgary residence
the evening of Tuesday, November 7, 2006. His car, a silver
2003 Mercedes Benz C240 station wagon, was also missing.
Early Saturday morning, November 11, 2006, Mr. KULLMAN's car
was located in southeast Calgary. This vehicle is currently
being examined by the Calgary Police Service Forensic Crimes
Scenes Unit.
The investigation into the death of Mr. KULLMAN continues.
Anyone who had any dealings with Mr. KULLMAN up to the time
of his disappearance is asked to call the Calgary Police
Service Violent Crimes Team 1 at 206-8721, the Calgary Police
Service at 266-1234 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS
Anonymous said...
I'm in shock Reid, no words for this....
Tim H.
CanaGal said...
So very sorry, Reid. My sympathy goes out to all of his dear friends and to his family.
Anonymous said...
Bad news indeed. bk will be missed by all.
Mr Carter said...
godspeed bk
Velodrome racer said...
My deepest sympathies to BK's family in these tough times ahead, BK will be missed by all whose lives he touched, RIP brother.
Jeff said...
RIP BK. I only knew you a short time, but we sure had some laughs.
Anonymous said...
BK, may the wind always be at your back...RIP
Rebecca W said...
Whenever I saw BK, he would always give me the biggest hug. I'll never forget that.
Anonymous said...
I'm utterly speechless....RIP BK, you shall be dearly missed.
Anonymous said...
RIP you goofy guy. We will ride forever in your honor. The next time we are suffering up a mountain hill, I know you will be at our backs helping, or perhaps passing us!!
Love yah
Anonymous said...
brian your hugs were endless and your laughter was contagious they both will be missed more then i can say.
Rest in peace my friend and may your angels take care of you..
Reid thank you for all of this and for keeping all of us up to date. Thank you for telling the media how heartless they are. All they care about is the story not the people the story is about.
I send you a hug my friend...
Anonymous said...
THis is shockingly unbelieveable. All of us training at Peak Power sent our deepest sypathies are are stunned by this whole thing. Thanks Reid for keeping BK's many friends and aquaintances informed at this terrible time. I, for one, will really miss his sense of humours and funny emails.
Brenda said...
"An unfinished life". bk, I will miss you and love you forever.
OneMeterFemur said...
In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."
-Your Spinter turned Climber
Anonymous said...
Our wheels will roll,
Like our brother's once did.
But I will stop to respect and remember,
For farewell I now bid.
Anonymous said...
bk - my firend, you lived larger than life. From your dedication to triaing, your love of all the latest cycling gear, to obsessing about the perfect espresso shot, you were full of zeal. You overflowed with support and affection for others. You were a great teammate, training partner, helping hand, and friend. I have missed all of my cycling friends since I moved, but I am deeply saddened that I will never get another bk hug or see your smiling face again.
Anonymous said...
I am really, really sad. It's really terrible. I can't say much else.
Bruce C.
Anonymous said...
As a member of Brians family, it is comforting to know that he touched so many lives and was so loved. He will be forever missed.
Anonymous said...
You were the enigma that made our cycling community a whole lot more interesting. You're the third person I've known to pass suddenly this year... and with each one of you, I've realised that we, the living, have an opportunity to learn a valuable lesson--a life-changing lesson.
I'm glad we got to hangout during CX last month. Thanks for prep'n the trainer... for greasin' the wheels... for the undying enthusiasm. You always loved Rainy Summit... and we'll ride it for you, brother.
Anonymous said...
I can't even begin to comphrend the loss. A great life extinguished too soon.
Dennis B
Anonymous said...
I remember the first time I road with you. You led the ride and always came to see if I was OK and not alone....a true friend and roadie. We will miss your sense of humour and passion to be your best.
We will ride with you again. Thanks for being "BK"
Anonymous said...
What a horrible tragedy to happen to such an incredible person. You will be greatly missed by all that you've touched... I hope you are in peace wherever you are.
Anonymous said...
I feel so lucky to have been hugged by Brian.
My heart goes out to his family and dearest friends. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Rest in peace, dear Brian. You are a special, special man.
Anonymous said...
Brian was one of the most alive people that I've known. The world has suffered a terrible loss.
Anonymous said...
What a terrible loss, you will be missed, my sympathy goes out to all your friends and family.
Anonymous said...
Even though I did not know BK well, I had the pleasure of riding in MOAB with him and group of others. He was the highlight of that trip, his sense of humor and smile were always present.It was nice to find another postcard writing buddy. My heart goes out to his family and friends. RIP bk
ross-0-matic said...
To my friend who loved to "make it hurt", whether we were running at lunch or riding our bikes. No matter what was happening at the moment, you could always muster a smile and encouraging words even when the pain was seemingly unbearable. I miss you already and you only just left... I will remember you always as a good friend, a riding comrade and a guy who loved life to the fullest. Repos dans la paix mon ami.
Anonymous said...
Everyone in the Calgary cycling community will miss you.
Kyle M
Anonymous said...
Brian, your family and friends are in our prayers through this time of unimaginable loss. I will always remember you. You made a difference in my life and to others. You are truly one of God's angles. An inspiration to us all. I will always treasure the big hugs, talks and laughs ...
This song expresses my feelings for you... lot's of tears and prayers.
"You’ll be fine tomorrow
The sun will rise again
It’s never easy to say goodbye
You know I’ll always love you
You know I always will
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
My old friend (my old friend)
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
We’ve reached the end (we’ve reached the end)
I don’t cry with sorrow, I cry with joy
The memories we made can’t be destroyed
You know I won’t forget you
You know I never could
And when I said I loved you
You know I meant for good
You know I’ll always love you
Love ya big guy... your friend always
Anonymous said...
BK, the cycling community has lost another of its ambassadors. You were a good man.
Jared G.
Anonymous said...
My heart aches with sadness at the loss of such a thoughtful guy. As a commissaire, I remember that Brian was always one to come up and personally thank me for officiating.
I pray for all of you who were close friends with Brian and hope that you learn a deeper appreciation for life, and that some good can come out of this tragedy.
My motto is: Live every day as if it's your last, and one day you'll be right!
That doesn't imply 'packing in' as much as you can in a day, or taking unnecessary risks. I believe it means to do the right thing every day.
Anonymous said...
words simply cannot express what a wonderful person you are! You will be deeply missed, and never forgotten by the many lives that you have touched!
I am proud to be able to say that I knew you, and that I was a teammate of such an amazing person. I have many cherished memories with you...from hanging out at a race, to heading out for a training ride, to hanging out at one of those Synergy team meetings years ago in the Outdoor Program Centre. My promise to you my friend, I will always try to bring a bit of BK into the lives of those I love and care about. You shall never be forgotten.
RIP my friend.
Peter S
ekongirl said...
I was lucky enough to spend some time with Brian the Sunday prior. He said something which may provide a little consolation:
"If I were to die tomorrow, I wouldn't have any regrets. I've lived a good life."
I will miss him terribly; his friendship, his love, his laughter, his energy. I'm thankful that I knew him; and am saddened that it was only for a decade.
Phil said...
It seems like the world should grind to a halt when someone as important as Brian is taken from us, it just seems so unfair...
BK, I will miss your comedy in the peloton, I feel lucky to have gotten the chance to ride with you on so many sunny days, that's how I will remember you, riding beside me in your Synergy kit, cracking some joke with that great grin on your face, you made the suffering of the race a whole lot easier, unfortunately now we will all have to suffer with such a great loss. I'm sure your presence will be felt on many rides to come.
My thoughts and feelings go out to Brian's family and close friends.
Anonymous said...
To his family & many friends, let Brians spirit ride within us all - love those around you and laugh, laugh til it hurts.
Anonymous said...
Brian. That was just a sprint lap. You're out with laps left in you. Wait for me at the finish line. I'll look for you.
Anonymous said...
Usually when I think about you, I tend to smile and reflect upon training camps and practical jokes. Like the time of that massive pillow fight. Mainly me bashing you and RC for putting the hurt on me during the Kitts Peak climb. However, when I think about you now it is a tremendous loss that I can't comprehend at any level and my smile turns into sadness. It's gonna be hard for all of us good buddy to get through this one. You will be dearly missed.
Your friend and teammate,
Anonymous said...
My deepest condolences to BK's family and friends. His comments on our blog always brought a smile to my face.
Anonymous said...
It’s still hard to comprehend the events of this past week. Despite the time that has passed since our lives took different paths, I am deeply saddened and troubled by his passing.
BK, you were never forgotten and will always be in my memories. Here’s giving you one final big hug… in spirit.
Wishing all Brian’s family and friends peace and courage.
Anonymous said...
I only knew Brian through work, and had never had the chance to meet him in person. Our dealings were few (over the phone) BUT his sense of humor, and tone made one feel like he was someone you had known your whole life. I have read all the blogs about how blessed you all were to have known Brian, to train with him, to be his friend. Now just imagine how blessed he has been to have all of you as friends. What a great group of people you all are! For every thing that Brian did to touch each and everyone of you, just remember, you had to have done something very special back for him to call each and every one of you friends. God Bless each and every one of you. May you turn to each other for comfot and support. Remember the good times you all had with Brian. God Bless Brian. He made that "little dash" between his date of birth and date of death really count! It's not just a dash, it is his life in whole and from the sounds of it, what a wonderful life, family and friends he had.