Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Thank you
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
King of the Mountains
Reid's Eulogy
[10 min]
I’m going to open with an excerpt from an email from BK remarking on the opening of the 2005 Cyclo-Cross Season, using his Hanz/Franz impersonation.
“Volks, tis is vhat [cyclo-]crossin’ tis all about!! Look at zee thigh muzzles! Zhey are hugh!! Run ups mazzive, burning, and make zee heart go boom! [Look at] zee big stairs that must be overcome with zee hugh muzzles that are now BUMPED UP with zee go go juice.”
Ok, ok, I didn’t do that very well, but I think you can imagine him doing that. His humour and delivery was unique and exceptional.
The qualities that I particularly admired were that he:
· Sincerely cared about others
· And that he was deeply dedicated – in everything he did
Show of hands, who here has been hugged by Brian?
Ok, ok, ok. I maybe should have said who hasn’t been hugged by Brian? And not just his friends, right? My favourite story was when we were in Tucson a couple of years ago. We were in one of the local bike shops and had spent some time talking with the sales lady who helped us out. It came time to leave and we all said our good byes. Brian, made a point to walk around the till, you know – past the ‘employee’s only’ sign (oh yeah, he also had thing with breaking ‘social norms’, but that’ll be a topic on another day), and proceeded to hug this slight and bashful woman.
[short pause]
At first – she looked concerned
[short pause]
But then – embrace.
I think the comment from one of us was, don’t worry, he’s harmless, he hugs everybody.
His attention to friends was selfless … noble. In a race or in a group ride, he would always make a point to come up to you. Sometimes just to talk, sometimes to make sure you were OK. I remember at a race just recently in Canmore where Cyrus, a team mate of his who was looking forward to this particular race, had broke his chain during his warm up right before the start. “Here Cyrus, use my bike”. At first some thought he was joking – but he sincere in this jesture.
I’ve taken some words from Jon Keech who summed it up best for us last week …
“Got a flat tire right before a race? No problem, here’s my bike. Hands cold on a winter ride? No problem, here are my gloves. Cracking after a long ride? No problem, here is my energy bar. BK never let you suffer if he could help you out.”
Perfection! Relentless perfection! So many experiences and we’ve all had them. I helped him shop for a pair of new glasses, something that took him more than half a year to finally purchase. In the end, I stopped going to stores with him because I was frustrated with comments like “they’re not perfect”, or “I wish they were slightly different in this manner”.
There’s the furniture and artwork. Patrick – I feel for you. I have no idea how many furniture stores you’ve been to and how many measurements and re-measurements you’ve help take, but it’s been a year, and he still had his circa 1980’s stuff because he still wasn’t 100% sure.
Of course, there’s the espresso. Any one who’s been to his house, and enjoys espresso can honestly say it’s among the best they’ve ever had. I only know of one other place in Calgary that serves better espresso. The last taste I had was with Per when the three of us were heading up to Edmonton this fall to hit the first Cyclo-Cross race of the season. There we were, 6:30 in the morning at his house, espresso bar open, and getting ready to go. I will never forget how good that tasted and how entertaining that process was.
Campy, or nothing at all! Sorry Reid, you needed to hear the argument one last time because I think BK would have wanted to have the last word on that. We all know the attention to detail he had, and when it came to his bikes, it was latest and the lightest. I think Andy started bringing the weigh scale out a couple of years ago to the Provincial Hill Climb not to ensure all the racer’s bikes were over the legal weight minimum, but to ensure Brian’s bike was over the minimum.
Brian had a deep dedication to everything he did and with everyone he touched. His coach Tim Heemskerk has some of the best comments last week.
“Brian always smiled or made people smile, even when things were not going well. He was the only athlete always responding about performances of other athletes. I'll miss his funny and honest emails, some periods of the year almost every day and I'll miss his extensive training logs with Polar printscreens of the workouts done.”
The connection he had with people was tremendous. I did a very simple exercise this weekend – I counted how many emails I had to and from him in the month of October. Now this is only on my work email and it alone came out to 100 emails. Once you include phone calls, emails at home, lunches, coffee and the time spent training and at races, I alone was easily ‘touched’ by him I’d say on average almost 150 times a month. This is incredible but not surprising given how close I had become with him in a short amount of time.
How he connected people was a gift. He brought a common bond and assured harmony. I mean, just look at the turn out yesterday.
Powerful! … [quiet] powerful
[Long Pause]
BK …
My friend
You’ve gone off the front and we cannot bridge the gap
In time I’ll drop the pack and grab onto your wheel
So that you can carry me to the finish
[Place cog on casket]
[Hand on casket]
[quiet] - Keep the rubber side down.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Cyclists join in tribute ride for enthusiast shot to death

Photographs by : Leah Hennel, Calgary Herald
Sherri Zickefoose, Calgary Herald
Published: Monday, November 20, 2006
With the wind at their backs and a fallen cyclist in their hearts, friends of Brian Kullman pedalled from Bowness to Inglewood on Sunday to honour his memory.
More than 150 friends donned jerseys and Spandex shorts for a memorial ride in tribute to the 39-year-old who was shot to death Nov. 7.
Members of Kullman's beloved Synergy Racing Cycle Club were out in full force at 12:30 p.m. to guide the riders, cycling along one of Kullman's favourite routes. They started from Cadence Cafe on Bowness Road, rode along Memorial Drive and continued on to his Inglewood townhouse.
"I'm completely floored by how many people turned up today," said friend Reid Dalgleish, one of the ride organizers.
Riders lined up first to sign a cycling jersey, which will be presented to Kullman's parents during another gathering tonight at Ceili's Irish Pub.
When the riders reached Kullman's townhouse in Inglewood Grove for a short remembrance ceremony, they were greeted by their friend's black helmet and a memorial poster hanging from the garage door.
Cyclists bowed their heads for a moment of silence before sharing memories of the dedicated cyclist known for his enthusiasm and support of fellow bike riders.
Friend Graeme Thomson urged people to remember Kullman's affectionate nature.
"BK loved to hug people randomly, so before you leave, hug someone next to you," Thomson said, sparking the crowd to open their arms to each other.
Family members were awed by the turnout.
"I'm absolutely moved, as are all of us," said Kullman's uncle, Don Cross, who addressed the crowd as the family spokesman.
"We're all totally blown away and grateful for everything you've done. It makes my heart pound that he has this many friends," Cross said.
"I think we all hope we're loved by people around us. What greater way to show that than this. That says a lot."
Kullman's large circle of friends say they're stunned that a largely unknown business acquaintance who knew Kullman for seven years has been charged in his death.
Bill James Pappas, 35, was arrested last Wednesday at the Calgary International Airport with a one-way ticket to Italy.
He is charged with second-degree murder, arson and fraud.
Suspicious banking activity involving Kullman's account helped lead detectives to the suspect.
Pappas and Kullman, 39, had known each other for seven years, police said. Kullman, a well services programmer, had financial dealings with him in the past.
Police recovered a gun, which is thought to be the murder weapon. They have sent it to the crime lab.
Pappas was a suspect early on, police said. Some of Kullman's friends mentioned the suspect by name in their online blogs, with a plea to contact police with information about him. It's alleged the suspect visited the home as others were leaving the night Kullman was last seen.
A fire was deliberately set in Kullman's Inglewood home Nov. 8 to destroy evidence, police said.
His silver Mercedes-Benz station wagon is believed to have been used by the suspect for days before it was recovered at a southeast parking lot.
Kullman's body was found by hikers Nov. 10 near the side of Highway 66 in Kananaskis Country, near Elbow Falls.
BK Memorial Ride Highlights

Here is a video of the procession going down Memorial Drive.
The Synergy Racing Cycle Club team, past and present, were able to find some comfort in the support of all of our friends in the Alberta cycling community and with each other.

I was also very happy that Brian's family could be present to see what a profound effect Brian had on all of us.
A special thank you should go out to Graeme and Jon, who organized the ride and the ceremonies.
sam said...
Reid....the time that you have taken to continuosly keep everyone updated on the events surrounding BK's passing amazes me. DC wanted so much to be a part of a ride where he could not only pay his repects to BK but also be there as a team member to support each other through this difficult loss. Although most of our conversations involved me continuosly interrupting him so that I could reel back a toddler trying to run onto the track to join daddy or craig, he always came back for more conversation. It only took one five minute talk to know that I was next to someone with a very giving and caring heart. I am sure he enjoyed watching this ride today as much as everyone enjoyed being a part if it. Thanks to everyone....
- 19/11/06 5:54 PM
mixmasta_cy said...
I really wish I could have been there...
- 19/11/06 6:44 PM
Reid Dalgleish said...Dave & Sam
I post this stuff for you guys. I know you would want to be here. Please send me your email address.- 19/11/06 11:19 PM
- Anonymous said...
Reid, I can't thank you enough for keeping my dad and I updated. Unfortunately, we both couldn't make the ride. Its really tough for us to not be home in this difficult time. BK was a great friend, and we have so many good memories. Its a terrible loss. Once again, thanks for keeping us informed.
Ross & Stuart- 20/11/06 3:29 PM
Friday, November 17, 2006
Celebration of Brian's Life - Monday night
We will hopefully start a video presentation at 7pm when everyone will have an opportunity to share stories of Brian if they like and hoist a few pints in his honour.
Anonymous said...Hi Reid
Thanks for keeping us up to date on the latest news about Brian, as well as posting people's wonderful memories about him. I just wanted to mention that the date you've posted for the celebration is Nov 10 - did you mean to say this coming Nov 20th? Keep up the great work :)
- 17/11/06 8:14 PM
Brian Kullman Memorial Ride
Graeme & Jon
Everyone and anyone is invited to attend this ride.
Anonymous said...Unfortunately, I am unable to make it to any of these tributes to bk, and it tears me up inside. I will certainly be there in spirit. Have a double espresso for me at Cadence, and if cp takes an ill-advised flyer off the front of the Memorial Ride, he's doing that for me. It is my personal tribute to bk, as that is how I will always remember him. I am truly sorry that I can't be there to celebrate Brian's life, and share in all the wonderfully unique ways he has touched us all. He was always very supportive of me in cycling, and was quite a character. His presence at the track, in both group rides and races, and in my life, will be sorely missed.
-DC- 18/11/06 1:03 PM
Anonymous said...I am so sorry to hear that Brian is gone. I met Brian many years ago through rowing and we became friends. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.
- 20/11/06 12:07 PM
Brian Kullman Funeral Announcement
Brian Wayne Kullman, beloved son of Mary and Stan was taken from us on Friday, November 10, 2006 at the age of 39 years. Besides his loving parents, Brian is survived by his brother Kevin of Calgary. Brian was a very passionate and caring individual who loved music, hockey, biking and being outdoors with family and friends.
A Celebration of Life will be held at FOSTER'S GARDEN CHAPEL, 3220 - 4 Street N.W., Calgary (across from Queen's Park Cemetery) on Monday, November 20, 2006 at 2:30 p.m. with Interment to follow at Queen's Park Cemetery.
Expressions of sympathy may be forwarded to the family at FOSTER'S GARDEN CHAPEL FUNERAL HOME and CREMATORIUM. Telephone: 297-0888. Honoured Provider of Dignity Memorial
There will be limited seating at Foster's Chapel, therefore at the request of Brian's family only close friends are asked to attend.
The King of the Mountains
This selfless nature has continued over the years as BK and I became better friends and trained and rode together more frequently. Whether we were going for a training ride, cross-country skiing or even racing, BK was always there to make sure his friends and team mates were taken care of. If you needed anything, he would do his best to help you out. Got a flat tire right before a race? No problem, here’s my bike. Hands cold on a winter ride? No problem, here are my gloves. Cracking after a long ride? No problem, here is my energy bar. BK never let you suffer if he could help you out.
BK was one of those weird guys (weird to a heavy track guy like me) who loved to climb. At training camp in Tucson, Brian was always happiest on days when there would be a few hours of climbing to be had. I’m pretty sure that if he lived in Tucson, he’d climb Mt. Lemmon on a weekly basis. His favourite race has always been the Mount Norquay Hill Climb and this year he put in a great time and claimed second place. I think that some of the credit for that can go to Brian’s rigorous training regime that included numerous rides in his Birkenstock sandals. Nothing toughens you up quite like a long, hard ride while wearing sandals, with black socks of course, atop your clipless pedals.
Brian’s passion for climbing was fuelled by his undying love of all things bike tech. If there was something new or cool to be seen or had, I could count on him to know all about it and likely have it on his bike already. Saves you 5g? I’ll take it! Won’t be available in North American until next year? I’ll take it! Looks so cool? I’ll take it. As a fellow bike geek trapped in the cold of Calgary, news of cool new gear always cheered me up.
Brian took this same all in approach to everything he did. If there was an inside scoop or trick to it, he would figure it out. What was really great about him is that he would then share this information with you. As a result of all this, Brian pulled the second best espresso shot in town, not bad for a guy does it for a hobby. I was fortunate enough to enjoy plenty of fine espressos in BK’s kitchen over the years and always looked forward to them.
Brian was a great man, loving friend and avid cyclist. He will be missed by all who were fortunate enough to know him. Brian always had a great big smile on his face and did his best to make sure you left with one too, even if that took chasing you down and hugging you. He offered never ending support and encouragement to everyone in the cycling scene and helped me out on many occasions. I will miss our weekly roller training sessions, espresso shots, and bike geekery but most of all I will miss one of my closest and best friends. I hope that wherever Brian is, he is enjoying long climbs over perfect roads with a never ending tail wind. We’ll miss you Brian.
Jon Keech
Synergy Racing Cycle Club
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Charges Laid
From: Martin Kemp
The Calgary Police Service Major Crimes Section has laid a
second degree murder charge in relation to the Brian Wayne
KULLMAN homicide investigation.
At approximately 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday November 15, 2006, a
suspect was arrested at the Calgary International Airport.
Bill James PAPPAS, 35, of Calgary, was taken into custody
hours before he was to board a flight to Europe.
In the early morning hours of Thursday, November 16, 2006,
PAPPAS was charged with one count of second degree murder, as
well as arson, possession of stolen property under $5000,
uttering a forged document and fraud under $5000.
Mr. Kullman was last seen by friends and family on the
evening of Tuesday, November 7, 2006.
On Wednesday, November 8, 2006, at 7:40 p.m., the Calgary
Police Service and the Calgary Fire Department responded to
reports of a house fire at the home of Brian Kullman. The
circumstances surrounding the fire caused the Joint Forces
Arson Unit to investigate.
On the evening of Thursday, November 9, 2006, the Arson Unit
discovered further suspicious circumstances which caused the
Calgary Police Service Violent Crime Team 1 (Homicide Unit)
to assist in the investigation.
On the morning of Friday, November 10, 2006, a missing person
investigation was initiated to locate Brian Kullman, as well
as his 2003 Mercedes Benz C240 vehicle. That afternoon, the
RCMP responded to the discovery of a body found near the side
of highway 66 in Kananaskis Country. The body was later
identified as that of Mr. Kullman.
The 2003 Mercedes Benz C240 vehicle belonging to Mr. Kullman
was located in southeast Calgary in the early morning of
Saturday, November 11, 2006. This vehicle is currently being
examined by the Calgary Police Service Forensic Crimes Scenes
Investigators would like to thank those members of the public
who came forward with information as to Brian Kullman’s last
known activities.
Anonymous said...I have been following along in your blog of what happened to Brian.
I notice early on in the investigation you ask about someone named Bill, and it turns out that Bill is the murderer.
Did the police use this information to help catch this guy?- 16/11/06 11:29 AM
Reid Dalgleish said...There was a long-time association between BK and Bill. Some other people know both men as well. I'm not sure if Bill was known to the police before he was mentioned on the blog, but info on here got other people who knew Bill Pappas to call into the police to confirm. It's great news that they caught him.
- 16/11/06 11:50 AM
Anonymous said...Is there any news as to why this Bill person committed such a horrible act?
- 16/11/06 12:26 PM
Reid Dalgleish said...I suspect it was over money. I won't speculate whether it was pre-meditated, or an argument that spiralled out of control or something else though.
- 16/11/06 1:27 PM
Anonymous said...Just think if you didn't place the name Bill in your blog on that Friday afternoon. Those people who knew of a Bill Pappas would not have provided their information to the police. So thank you ...
- 16/11/06 2:20 PM
Anonymous said...I met Bill Pappas a few years ago and I found him to be very strange and intense. I remember how he bragged to me that when he was in the army, he beat someone up so badly that he "put them in a wheelchair". I also found him to be very obsessive, in that he called me 8 times in a row and also showed up at my place unannounced. A very strange individual indeed. The mention of his name on the blog was the first I'd heard of him in over 2.5 years.
- 16/11/06 3:04 PM
Anonymous said...Second Degree Murder Charge means pre-mediatated to my knowledge. I'm guessing the items found in the house led the police to this conclusion.
Props to you Reid, without your blog this person may have gotten away.- 19/11/06 8:57 AM
Anonymous said...Just to clarify the comment above & without getting too complicated, basically: 2nd degree murder is not "premeditated" (ie. it is not planned & deliberate, which 1st degree is).
Generally, the accused in 2nd degree murder either (i) means to cause death or (ii) means to cause bodily harm that he knows is likely to cause death, and was reckless whether death ensued.
Regardless of definitions, it is a tragic event that has touched us all. Thank you, Reid, for your blog.- 19/11/06 5:49 PM
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Bad news

Brian and Jonas, courtesy of Andrew Harich
It's bad news. I'm sorry everyone. I've just gotten confirmation from Brian's brother that the body found by Elbow Falls was identified as Brian.
Date: Tue Nov 14 17:06:52 2006
The Calgary Police Service has identified the body found in
Kananaskis Country, Friday, November 10, 2006, as Brian Wayne
KULLMAN, 39, of Calgary.
Mr. KULLMAN went missing from his southeast Calgary residence
the evening of Tuesday, November 7, 2006. His car, a silver
2003 Mercedes Benz C240 station wagon, was also missing.
Early Saturday morning, November 11, 2006, Mr. KULLMAN's car
was located in southeast Calgary. This vehicle is currently
being examined by the Calgary Police Service Forensic Crimes
Scenes Unit.
The investigation into the death of Mr. KULLMAN continues.
Anyone who had any dealings with Mr. KULLMAN up to the time
of his disappearance is asked to call the Calgary Police
Service Violent Crimes Team 1 at 206-8721, the Calgary Police
Service at 266-1234 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS
Anonymous said...I'm in shock Reid, no words for this....
Tim H.- 14/11/06 4:28 PM
CanaGal said...So very sorry, Reid. My sympathy goes out to all of his dear friends and to his family.
- 14/11/06 4:33 PM
Anonymous said...Bad news indeed. bk will be missed by all.
- 14/11/06 4:34 PM
Mr Carter said...godspeed bk
- 14/11/06 4:36 PM
Velodrome racer said...My deepest sympathies to BK's family in these tough times ahead, BK will be missed by all whose lives he touched, RIP brother.
FK- 14/11/06 4:50 PM
Jeff said...RIP BK. I only knew you a short time, but we sure had some laughs.
- 14/11/06 5:10 PM
Anonymous said...BK, may the wind always be at your back...RIP
DR- 14/11/06 5:18 PM
Rebecca W said...Whenever I saw BK, he would always give me the biggest hug. I'll never forget that.
- 14/11/06 5:29 PM
Anonymous said...I'm utterly speechless....RIP BK, you shall be dearly missed.
- 14/11/06 5:36 PM
Anonymous said...
RIP you goofy guy. We will ride forever in your honor. The next time we are suffering up a mountain hill, I know you will be at our backs helping, or perhaps passing us!!
Love yah
SS- 14/11/06 5:43 PM
Anonymous said...brian your hugs were endless and your laughter was contagious they both will be missed more then i can say.
Rest in peace my friend and may your angels take care of you..
Reid thank you for all of this and for keeping all of us up to date. Thank you for telling the media how heartless they are. All they care about is the story not the people the story is about.
I send you a hug my friend...
Anne-Brit- 14/11/06 5:47 PM
Anonymous said...THis is shockingly unbelieveable. All of us training at Peak Power sent our deepest sypathies are are stunned by this whole thing. Thanks Reid for keeping BK's many friends and aquaintances informed at this terrible time. I, for one, will really miss his sense of humours and funny emails.
Kristin- 14/11/06 6:53 PM
Brenda said..."An unfinished life". bk, I will miss you and love you forever.
- 14/11/06 7:30 PM
OneMeterFemur said...In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."
-Your Spinter turned Climber- 14/11/06 7:41 PM
Anonymous said...Our wheels will roll,
Like our brother's once did.
But I will stop to respect and remember,
For farewell I now bid.
-ZWW- 14/11/06 7:54 PM
Anonymous said...
bk - my firend, you lived larger than life. From your dedication to triaing, your love of all the latest cycling gear, to obsessing about the perfect espresso shot, you were full of zeal. You overflowed with support and affection for others. You were a great teammate, training partner, helping hand, and friend. I have missed all of my cycling friends since I moved, but I am deeply saddened that I will never get another bk hug or see your smiling face again.
-DC- 14/11/06 8:33 PM
Anonymous said...
I am really, really sad. It's really terrible. I can't say much else.
Bruce C.- 14/11/06 9:24 PM
Anonymous said...As a member of Brians family, it is comforting to know that he touched so many lives and was so loved. He will be forever missed.
- 14/11/06 9:34 PM
Anonymous said...BK,
You were the enigma that made our cycling community a whole lot more interesting. You're the third person I've known to pass suddenly this year... and with each one of you, I've realised that we, the living, have an opportunity to learn a valuable lesson--a life-changing lesson.
I'm glad we got to hangout during CX last month. Thanks for prep'n the trainer... for greasin' the wheels... for the undying enthusiasm. You always loved Rainy Summit... and we'll ride it for you, brother.
cp- 14/11/06 10:20 PM
Anonymous said...
I can't even begin to comphrend the loss. A great life extinguished too soon.
Dennis B- 14/11/06 11:33 PM
Anonymous said...BK
I remember the first time I road with you. You led the ride and always came to see if I was OK and not alone....a true friend and roadie. We will miss your sense of humour and passion to be your best.
We will ride with you again. Thanks for being "BK"
CF- 14/11/06 11:55 PM
Anonymous said...BK
What a horrible tragedy to happen to such an incredible person. You will be greatly missed by all that you've touched... I hope you are in peace wherever you are.
Reebs- 15/11/06 12:35 AM
Anonymous said...I feel so lucky to have been hugged by Brian.
My heart goes out to his family and dearest friends. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Rest in peace, dear Brian. You are a special, special man.
MB- 15/11/06 7:21 AM
Anonymous said...Brian was one of the most alive people that I've known. The world has suffered a terrible loss.
Laura- 15/11/06 8:40 AM
Anonymous said...BK
What a terrible loss, you will be missed, my sympathy goes out to all your friends and family.
TB- 15/11/06 9:07 AM
Anonymous said...Even though I did not know BK well, I had the pleasure of riding in MOAB with him and group of others. He was the highlight of that trip, his sense of humor and smile were always present.It was nice to find another postcard writing buddy. My heart goes out to his family and friends. RIP bk
Karen- 15/11/06 9:07 AM
ross-0-matic said...BK,
To my friend who loved to "make it hurt", whether we were running at lunch or riding our bikes. No matter what was happening at the moment, you could always muster a smile and encouraging words even when the pain was seemingly unbearable. I miss you already and you only just left... I will remember you always as a good friend, a riding comrade and a guy who loved life to the fullest. Repos dans la paix mon ami.
ross:0- 15/11/06 9:16 AM
Anonymous said...Everyone in the Calgary cycling community will miss you.
Kyle M- 15/11/06 10:03 AM
Anonymous said...Brian, your family and friends are in our prayers through this time of unimaginable loss. I will always remember you. You made a difference in my life and to others. You are truly one of God's angles. An inspiration to us all. I will always treasure the big hugs, talks and laughs ...
This song expresses my feelings for you... lot's of tears and prayers.
"You’ll be fine tomorrow
The sun will rise again
It’s never easy to say goodbye
You know I’ll always love you
You know I always will
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
My old friend (my old friend)
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
We’ve reached the end (we’ve reached the end)
I don’t cry with sorrow, I cry with joy
The memories we made can’t be destroyed
You know I won’t forget you
You know I never could
And when I said I loved you
You know I meant for good
You know I’ll always love you
Love ya big guy... your friend always
Mary- 15/11/06 10:10 AM
Anonymous said...BK, the cycling community has lost another of its ambassadors. You were a good man.
Jared G.- 15/11/06 10:25 AM
Anonymous said...
My heart aches with sadness at the loss of such a thoughtful guy. As a commissaire, I remember that Brian was always one to come up and personally thank me for officiating.
I pray for all of you who were close friends with Brian and hope that you learn a deeper appreciation for life, and that some good can come out of this tragedy.
My motto is: Live every day as if it's your last, and one day you'll be right!
That doesn't imply 'packing in' as much as you can in a day, or taking unnecessary risks. I believe it means to do the right thing every day.- 15/11/06 1:48 PM
Anonymous said...Brian,
words simply cannot express what a wonderful person you are! You will be deeply missed, and never forgotten by the many lives that you have touched!
I am proud to be able to say that I knew you, and that I was a teammate of such an amazing person. I have many cherished memories with you...from hanging out at a race, to heading out for a training ride, to hanging out at one of those Synergy team meetings years ago in the Outdoor Program Centre. My promise to you my friend, I will always try to bring a bit of BK into the lives of those I love and care about. You shall never be forgotten.
RIP my friend.
Peter S- 15/11/06 1:51 PM
ekongirl said...I was lucky enough to spend some time with Brian the Sunday prior. He said something which may provide a little consolation:
"If I were to die tomorrow, I wouldn't have any regrets. I've lived a good life."
I will miss him terribly; his friendship, his love, his laughter, his energy. I'm thankful that I knew him; and am saddened that it was only for a decade.- 15/11/06 1:53 PM
Phil said...It seems like the world should grind to a halt when someone as important as Brian is taken from us, it just seems so unfair...
BK, I will miss your comedy in the peloton, I feel lucky to have gotten the chance to ride with you on so many sunny days, that's how I will remember you, riding beside me in your Synergy kit, cracking some joke with that great grin on your face, you made the suffering of the race a whole lot easier, unfortunately now we will all have to suffer with such a great loss. I'm sure your presence will be felt on many rides to come.
My thoughts and feelings go out to Brian's family and close friends.
Phil- 15/11/06 2:25 PM
Anonymous said...To his family & many friends, let Brians spirit ride within us all - love those around you and laugh, laugh til it hurts.
L- 15/11/06 6:29 PM
Anonymous said...Brian. That was just a sprint lap. You're out with laps left in you. Wait for me at the finish line. I'll look for you.
Conan- 15/11/06 7:28 PM
Anonymous said...BK,
Usually when I think about you, I tend to smile and reflect upon training camps and practical jokes. Like the time of that massive pillow fight. Mainly me bashing you and RC for putting the hurt on me during the Kitts Peak climb. However, when I think about you now it is a tremendous loss that I can't comprehend at any level and my smile turns into sadness. It's gonna be hard for all of us good buddy to get through this one. You will be dearly missed.
Your friend and teammate,
Hooper- 15/11/06 8:36 PM
Anonymous said...My deepest condolences to BK's family and friends. His comments on our blog always brought a smile to my face.
Xtine- 16/11/06 7:43 AM
Anonymous said...It’s still hard to comprehend the events of this past week. Despite the time that has passed since our lives took different paths, I am deeply saddened and troubled by his passing.
BK, you were never forgotten and will always be in my memories. Here’s giving you one final big hug… in spirit.
Wishing all Brian’s family and friends peace and courage.
MK- 19/11/06 6:23 PM
Anonymous said...I only knew Brian through work, and had never had the chance to meet him in person. Our dealings were few (over the phone) BUT his sense of humor, and tone made one feel like he was someone you had known your whole life. I have read all the blogs about how blessed you all were to have known Brian, to train with him, to be his friend. Now just imagine how blessed he has been to have all of you as friends. What a great group of people you all are! For every thing that Brian did to touch each and everyone of you, just remember, you had to have done something very special back for him to call each and every one of you friends. God Bless each and every one of you. May you turn to each other for comfot and support. Remember the good times you all had with Brian. God Bless Brian. He made that "little dash" between his date of birth and date of death really count! It's not just a dash, it is his life in whole and from the sounds of it, what a wonderful life, family and friends he had.
C- 20/11/06 1:37 PM
Dear media
CanaGal said...bravo reid, bravo!
- 14/11/06 3:09 PM
Jeff said...Well said Reid. I have had quite a few people responding to me about our blogs today. This is a difficult time, yet the media has made it even more difficult and has been shortsighted into the mess they have created by exposing personal websites on the local news and newspapers. This is sickening and for a profession that wants to call themselves "professiona", I have seen no professionalism towards our lives and our blogs and pictures one bit. They never asked any of us to publish these links, or better yet be seen in plain view on TV. They never verified any pictures that they lifted off your blog, nor tried to track down the person who actually took those pictures or asked the owner of websites permission. They have sent hounding e-mails to everyone based solely off of our blogs. This is unexceptable in my opinion and completely classless and unfrofessional. Thanks to them some very respectable people have been hurt nad made upset. I know the media doesn't care and are only looking for a story, so I say we list the names of the individuals and papers and TV station's that have violated our on-line lives.
- 14/11/06 3:11 PM
Mr Carter said...
well said jeff - post pics of the offending reporters and see how they feel.
my heart goes out to all of you who were close to bk, his family, and all of us who knew him.
sean- 14/11/06 4:23 PM
Rob K said...
Well done Reid.
CFCN called my workplace at least 10 times today and even showed up, unannounced at my office.
I cant believe how hounding they were.
I would like to thank all for the information that was passed around.
God bless you Brian!- 14/11/06 4:28 PM
canagal said...I agree with Jeff. I stopped buying the Herald years ago for how they treated my man during a media scrummage for information.
- 14/11/06 4:35 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm sorry that you had to go through all the media harrassment, that is the last thing any of you needed. Knowing how you've been hounded, it makes me even more appreciative of all your efforts to keep us updated.
You and Jon were my only sources of information, and I thank you both tremendously for that. It's been a long week here, so I can only imagine what you are all going through. I can't even begin to make sense of this whole mess.
As Sean said, my thoughts are with bk's family, his dearest friends, and the rest of us that had the great fortune to know him.
-DC- 14/11/06 8:11 PM
Anonymous said...I'm sorry you feel hit so hard by the media, Reid. I know the trite thing to say is that they're doing their job but I feel like they're attempting to fairly represent how many people knew bk--and how public his death has become. I don't think BK would like it... he was a very private person... but a blog is an easy way to get a glimpse of who a person is and who they were. Some may not find it respectful, I realise, but it is meaningful.
cp- 14/11/06 11:20 PM
Charlene said...I'm sorry to say this, but having been through a murder investigation (of a child I babysat back in the late 70s - she was five and I was 16), I can tell you that the media will NEVER stop. They will NEVER listen to you, not for a microsecond, if you ask them to stop. They will take it as a personal insult and a threat to the freedom of the press if you ask them to stop, and they get WORSE. They may also assume that you have something to hide and may start harassing you, asking you if you had something to do with it. What you've experienced as of now is unbelievably, unbelievably mild compared to how it will get.
After Kimmie was killed, I babysat her brother and sister on a regular basis at night and during the summer because the mother was going to school. She changed her number three times; each time, somebody in the police department leaked the new number to the media. The Alberta Report and the Calgary Herald were the worst. Only the old CFAC television and the old Albertan newspaper reporters left the family alone; reporters from every other outlet were intrusive and sometimes abusive. EVERY DAY the media called that house and asked things like, "did you kill her?" or "did you rape her first?" or "did she cry out "Mommy" when you were strangling her?" If I answered the phone, I just hung up, but can you imagine what the victim's brother and sister must have gone through?
One problem was that the victim's parents were divorced (very bad back in 1979), the mother was going to school to get back into the work force (a working mother was horrible), and she looked Indian (she was Scottish), which is of course a worse crime than anything. The media therefore assumed she was the murderer. It turned out to be a guy who lived a few blocks away whom none of us knew who grabbed her off the street.
I'm just trying to say, be very aware that the media will not listen to you. Don't talk to them. Don't have anything to do with them unless you have to. Be very, very careful.- 15/11/06 7:54 AM
Jerilyn said...Reid,
After the unimaginable pain you, your friends and Brian's family have been put through, I know words do little to help. And those tasked with reporting information are only making it worse. I am so, so sorry.
I have never met you, but have become acquainted with you and the close group of friends up there in Canada through Sara - - and, while I never met Brian, I do feel a profound sense of loss.
Prayers from Texas - and may you all lean on one another during this time.
Jerilyn- 15/11/06 12:57 PM
Geoff R said...On behalf of the Velocity Cycling Club in Edmonton, our deepest sympathies to Brian's family and friends.
Geoff Rackette
Velocity Cycling Club- 15/11/06 5:42 PM
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Body found near Elbow Falls
Police scour the area near Elbow Falls where a man's body has been discovered.
Sarah Chapman and Peter green, with files from Jamie Komarnicki, Calgary Herald
Published: Sunday, November 12, 2006 Link
Homicide investigators are looking into the possibility that a body found near Elbow Falls is that of a well-known Calgary man missing since Tuesday.
Brian Wayne Kullman, 39, an avid cyclist, has not been seen for five days.
And arson investigators have been poring over his Inglewood home since a neighbour alerted the fire department to smoke in the residence on Wednesday.
A friend told the Herald on Saturday that news of Kullman's disappearance has left friends and family worried.
"We went out to a movie (last) Saturday -- that's why it came as such a shock to me," said Rob Kattenburg, who has known Kullman for about 20 years. Kattenburg described Kullman as "a laid-back guy" who works as a well services programmer in Calgary.
On Friday, emergency crews were called to Highway 66 southwest of Bragg Creek where a man's body had been found. Tape blocked off the roadside turnout on Saturday near a hill leading to a ravine.
Forensic investigators were on scene for much of the day, climbing over the guardrail to the grassy stretch tucked among the trees of Kananaskis Country.
The fire in Kullman's home caused minimal damage, but by Thursday further suspicious circumstances led arson investigators to call in the homicide unit.
"When (arson) came back the next day, they saw some things to them that looked out of sorts and requested homicide to assist them," said Duty Insp. Luch Berti.
Berti said police have no suspects for the arson or Kullman's disappearance, but added police hope more tips from the public come in.
Police say the death of the man near Elbow Falls is suspicious, and are investigating to see whether the body is in fact Kullman.
"We are collaborating, forensically, with the RCMP to determine whether there is a crossover between their discovery and our investigation into the missing person," said Calgary police Duty Insp. Guy Slater on Friday. "However, nothing will be determined until a positive identification and autopsy has been completed."
Staff Sgt. Barry Cochran of the Calgary police homicide unit was at Elbow Falls on Saturday.
He said no vehicle was found near the man's body.
Mounties said someone notified Kananaskis Emergency Services of the body and crews were sent to the scene near Highway 66 southeast of Bragg Creek on Friday.
Kullman's family did not wish to comment when contacted Saturday.
Kullman is a well-known cyclist, who often rides west of Calgary. On his online blog, he calls himself "the king of the mountains."
Kattenburg said Kullman is well-liked and a passionate athlete.
"As far as I knew, he'd go home and he'd train," he said. "He had his own training equipment in his basement and that's his life."
Police said he was last seen by friends and family on Tuesday at about 11:30 p.m.
His car, a silver 2003 Mercedes Benz C240 station wagon, with Alberta licence plate EJT 768, was recovered in a southeast Calgary business parking lot early Saturday.
The vehicle, which was not damaged, is being examined by the Forensic Crime Scene Unit.
"(There was) nothing out of the ordinary -- it wasn't totalled or it wasn't involved in an accident," said Duty Insp. Luch Berti.
jetboy747 said...Hey Reid, I just saw your picture on the news with your buddy. Sorry I haven't kept up on this. I'm so busy scrapbooking these days.
I'm really, really sorry. I think I met Brian actually. Anyway, sorry to hear about all this.- 13/11/06 7:35 AM
Anonymous said...Reid,
I also saw the pic from your blog on Global news this morning.
I know there is nothing anyone can say or do to help how you must be feeling right now, but please know you are in our thoughts.
I am so very sorry - I don't know what to say.
Take good care of yourself and those you love my friend.- 13/11/06 8:23 AM
Mrs The Experience said...This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
- 13/11/06 3:37 PM
Anonymous said...My heart breaks for all of you. I work with Brian, and think the world of him. I continue to pray for his safe return, as well as strength for each of you in this very difficult time.
- 13/11/06 5:23 PM
OneMeterFemur said...Date: Mon Nov 13 18:32:06 2006
Subject: Further to the body found in Kananaskis Country
From: Duty Inspector
-----BEGIN MD5 -----------------------------------
The Calgary Police Service has identified the body found in
Kananaskis Country on Friday November 10, 2006. Release of
the identity will be held pending notification of next of
The Violent Crime Team 1 continues investigating this
incident. Several sites through out the city have been
searched and evidence recovered.
Public Email Contact:
-----END MD5 2c54ee68214b359011848f3bc6e3696f-----
Resolution is at hand. My heart sinks. Non oblitus- 13/11/06 7:19 PM
Anonymous said...I'm so sorry to hear about this terrible tragedy.... I used to date Brian, years ago, and when I saw the news late last week that he was missing my heart just sank. You are in my thoughts and prayers, as are the rest of his friends and family.
- 13/11/06 10:00 PM
Saturday, November 11, 2006
The latest City bulletin
From: Duty Inspector
The Calgary Police Service is requesting the assistance of
the public in the ongoing investigation into the suspicious
disappearance of 39 year old Calgary resident Brian Kullman.
Mr. Kullman was last seen by friends and family on the
evening of Tuesday, 2006 November 7th at 22:30 hours. On
Wednesday, November 8th at 19:40 hours, the Calgary Police
Service and the Calgary Fire Department responded to the
residence of Brian Kullman in relation to a house fire. The
circumstances surrounding this fire resulted in the Arson
Unit being called in to investigate the cause.
On Thursday evening, 2006 November 9th, the Arson Unit
discovered further suspicious circumstances which resulted in
the activation of the Calgary Police Service Violent Crime
Team 1 (Homicide Unit) to assist in this investigation.
On Friday morning, 2006 November 10th, a 'Missing Persons'
investigation was initiated to locate the home owner Brian
Kullman as well as a 2003 Mercedes Benz C240 motor vehicle.
On Friday afternoon, the RCMP responded to the discovery of a
body found near the side of highway 66 in the Kananaskis
Country. Forensic investigators from the RCMP and Calgary
Police Service scoured the scene today and have not yet
determined the identity of this adult male person.
Early Saturday morning, 2006 November 11th, the 2003 Mercedes
Benz C240 vehicle belonging to Brian Kullman was located in
South East Calgary. This vehicle is currently being examined
by the Calgary Police Service Forensic Crimes Scenes Unit.
Investigators would like to speak to the friends and
associates of Mr. Kullman who had any dealing with him up to
the time of his disappearance. These individuals are asked
to call police at 266-1234. Any other person(s) having
information on this incident is also asked to
call police at 266-1234 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222
Duty Inspector Luch Berti for Staff Sergeant Barry Cochran of
the Violent Crime Unit (Homicide).
Anonymous said...Reid,
Thank you for the update, I just wish it contained better news. This press release has a much different tone than the previous one. I don't like the sound of this, and I am really worried about Brian.
-DC- 11/11/06 9:49 PM
Reid Dalgleish said...I know DC. I don't want to fear the worst, but it's not sounding very good.
- 11/11/06 10:27 PM
Mary said...Can you let Brian's family know there has been a wide circle of prayer going out? I have known Brian for 8 years and spoke with him two weeks ago. All of this is pretty hard to take and doesn't seem real.
- 12/11/06 8:24 AM
Mr Carter said...reid -
thanks for your efforts in keeping all of us up to date. all of this is so unreal - i'm still having a hard time accepting it.- 12/11/06 9:31 AM
Thanks for posting that, it was touching to read. Would you mind sending me those pictures we talked about?
Thanks Reid. Very well said.